my corner of the interwebs 

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Hiking recommendation

Just spent three days hiking 10h+ daily on the last three etaps of the Luchstrail

Since we had only three days time we decided to skip for the last three as they seemed to be the most rewarding. And on the first and last day we threw in an extra mountain top. I can so very much recomend the trail, it was astonoshingly beautiful with almost no people at all. Wonderful sights, incredible nature and a trail that was more than just a little hard at times. But we managed with our extra mountain tops 75km distance and almost 4km altitude. Such a rewarding experience in wonderful fall weather.

Kafka on the shore

Just finished reading Haruki Murakami's 'Kafka on the Shore'. Which was by far the strangest book I've read in a long time. Japanese storytelling and motives with two very divergent storylines (until the finally meet) and a group of characters that were gripping even though they feel like only the surface was scratched in their descriptions. I could never read more than 10 pages in a sitting without having to make a pause and allow my mind to follow all the questions that arose. Definitely not something I would recommend to read by the pool on a vacation but something if you're looking for a change of pace.